Feel-Better Soups

bowl soup
Best Bets For Feel-Better Soups * Broth-based soups. Easy to sip. Easy to digest. Soothing for sore throats. * Simple proteins. Try easily digestible tofu, shredded chicken, or seafood to keep your strength up while you’re fighting off the bugs. * Healthy Ingredients. Soups made with onions, garlic, tomatoes, and greens are rich in antioxidants. For a quick nutritional boost, serve broth-based soups over raw or lightly sautéed spinach instead of noodles. * Congestion-busters. Some folks swear by very spicy soups for clearing out those nasal passages. But if you’re feeling a bit queasy, you might want to proceed with caution. Staying away from dairy-enriched soups might help fight congestion, but that’s not been absolutely proven. * Tummy-friendly. Ginger is effective at settling nausea. Shave some into your broth soup and sip it all day.

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