Motivation is the core of all action; it actually means to be moved to action.
1. Be passionate. Maintain passion about your goals; this will act as a fire that will help keep you energized and motivated. Passion about your goals will also help you persevere when times get tough and when you feel like giving up. * If you are losing your passion and struggling with motivation, remind yourself why what you are motivating yourself about is important to you and why you were initially passionate about it in the first place. Ask yourself what positive outcomes accomplishing your dream will have on yourself and others. * For example, maybe you wanted to attend law school so that you could help those in need or achieve financial independence. Visualize what it would mean to you to accomplish your dream of being a lawyer and use that vision to re-ignite your passion! * If you aren’t passionate about your goal to begin with but are doing it for other reasons, for example, if you want to lose weight to be healthier or to look thinner but it is not necessarily something you are passionate about, keep in mind the end goal. Think about what it would mean to be healthy: you would feel better, likely live longer, and could feel proud of your accomplishment.
1. Be intrinsically motivated. Value engaging deeply in learning and studying and working toward your goals rather than focusing on things external to you such as what others would think about you if you achieved your goals. * This is called intrinsic motivation and it is a great way to stay motivated because it does not depend on other people; with just the power of your own mind and desires you can spark a motivational fire that can energize you to accomplish your goals. * To foster your intrinsic motivation for your goal, think about what interests you about it. Think about how it stimulates you mentally, and think about your sense of control over your goal; if you have made sure your goals are attainable you should feel that they are in your grasp; all of these things can foster your intrinsic motivation.
1. Fight against fear. Refrain from worrying too much about failure. When people think about “failure” there is often an implicit assumption that a lack of success is permanent and says something about your value as a person. This is not true. Embrace the idea that you can learn from your mistakes. * Ultimately, success often requires many failed attempts. You may not achieve your goals the tenth, twentieth, or even fiftieth try. Remembering that failure is often a part of the recipe for success will help to get you motivated to try in the first place and help you to maintain motivation upon bumps in the road. * Think about the worst that could happen if you failed to achieve your goal. It probably won’t be that bad, realistically. So, what are you afraid of? Often, people overestimate how badly they will feel after failing at something; keep that in mind if you are struggling with motivation because you are worried about trying but not succeeding.
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